Scaramucci Turns on Trump, Vows to help GOP replace him on 2020 ballot


A once hardcore Trump loyalist, Anthony Scaramucci has turned full-fledged anti-Trump, vowing to help the GOP replace him on the 2020 ballot.

Scaramucci, went off on twitter to the Presidents remarks, saying to the President “You are losing your fastball- very weak troll.”, see below:

Scaramucci was infamous for his extremely brief 10-day stint and Trump’s Chief of staff, a running joke that many in the press, including Scaramucci himself, have gotten a laugh out of.

President Trump opened the flood gates between the two with this tweet, which led to Scaramucci’s above response:

The battle rages on, with the “Mooch” making a recent appearance on CNN, where he vehemently criticizes “racially charged rhetoric” by the President.

“He is giving people a license to hate”, Scaramucci claims. “How are we all tolerating this?”.

The criticism comes as a surprise to many, as the Mooch was an avid supporter of the President while his abrupt work in the White House.

Sean Porter

NYXNEWS – Contributor


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