Rampant Voter Fraud Threatens Election – Stop The Steal – Become An Exit-Poller In Your State (Link)


It is easy to get distracted and content with newest revelations in the media of the re-opening of the FBI case against Hillary Clinton. Let us not forget that we are still being lied to in polls with oversampling of Democrats and voting machines are an all-time risk for vote switching. It is VITAL to save this country that we make sure all votes on November 8th are legitimate.

For those who are new to exit polling, here is a brief explanation From Wikipedia :

“An election exit poll is a poll of voters taken immediately after they have exited the polling stations. Unlike an opinion poll, which asks for whom the voter plans to vote, or some similar formulation, an exit poll asks for whom the voter actually voted. Exit polls have historically been used as a check against, and rough indicator of, the degree of election fraud.”

Please click this link to register to become an exit-poller. The site will train you and explain everything you must do.


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