Rand Paul exposes $324,000 in US tax dollars used for a ‘clown school’ in Argentina


In a recent social media tirade, Senator Rand Paul took to twitter to vent about his recent ventures in exposing wasteful Federal Government spending:

Many were surprised to find out that the American tax payer has been footing the bill in foreign aid for a circus school in Argentina, paying over $324,000. BizPac review fact-checks the Senator’s grievances as true, adding that the art school helps impoverished children, teenagers and young adults in Buenos Aires. Although that sounds nice, it’s probably not exactly what the founding fathers had in mind when they envisioned a liberated citizenry.

Senator Rand Paul publishes an annual report on wasteful spending, previously exposing $1.8 million dollars spent on “reminding Cambodian motorcyclists to wear a helmet” as well as $100,000 to “teach Kenyan farmers how to use Facebook.”


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